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Thread: Doc Rivers?

  1. #1

    Doc Rivers?

    I know I'm dreaming, but could this ever happen? If not, because of money, no interest in college coaching, some other reason?
    My 2nd choice is Howland.... Aim high!

  2. #2
    Not sure How Rivers could do it....He is coaching the Clippers and will be in the playoffs.........Timing just looks impossible

  3. #3
    Always unlikely, but much less likely now as opposed to a year ago. Rivers wanted out of Boston, but now has a contender in LA and as mentioned the timing would be really difficult. I think Doc would be an excellent college coach, but unfortunately now is not the time.

  4. #4
    Agreed that we would have had a better shot when he was ending with Boston. Clippers are the #3 seed in the West right now. Good, young talent with Chris Paul and Blake Griffin. Not good timing.

  5. #5
    Plus, for the most part, NBA coaches would hate having to recruit.

  6. #6
    I'd love Doc, but I can't see it now. I believed it was viable a year ago, but think that ship has sailed.

  7. #7
    Y'all realize Doc signed a 3-year, $21 million with the Clippers, right? Nobody walks away from that.

  8. #8
    Doc isn't coming here. The only reason would be if he feels he wants to win a college championship also to go along with his NBA. But coming to MU would not be his first pick to do that.

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