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Thread: Oliver Purnell question

  1. #1

    Oliver Purnell question

    Is he on the hot seat? Is it at least luke warm? Frankly, I cannot see how he has made it this long. I hear DePaul has some backers who think they should move to the A-10 (or whatever the number is now) because they cannot compete in BIG EAST. Seems with their tailspin and the new arena/casino and the money that may cost DePaul, they may well be at a crossroads. I think they need to dump Purnell after this season with all that is at stake. It is clear he cannot deliver a winner.

  2. #2
    I suspect we need DePaul for NCAA tourney purposes or 5 years until X, CU and BU get us within guidelines...?

  3. #3
    Does anyone at DePaul care? This s a serious question, and I wonder if the administration and the AD care. They certainly don't appear to care as long as they can cash some checks from the Big East.
    90% of quotes on the internet are wrong.
    - Abraham Lincoln

  4. #4
    We'll see how Purnell does this year and next with some good recruits and transfers coming in. I remember when DePaul hired Purnell. Some of their fans were disappointed that they didn't get a guy with a better NCAA tournament record. Who on earth were they expecting. Dean Smith, maybe? The fact is, Purnell had gotten a couple of lower D-1 teams to the Dance, which is hard enough. Those teams tend not to win. He turned around Dayton and Clemson. They did not do terribly well in the post-season, but that is a small sample to judge from. Wainwright was also successful elsewhere before he flopped at DePaul. I have to wonder if it is more about the school than the coach. I think the arena in Nowhere really does hurt them, and their administration has not managed to get the ship afloat. Perhaps the new arena will help. Maybe not. It would seem that there is enough talent in the Chicago area for a team like DePaul to at least compete. Even Loyola is stepping it up, and DePaul's women's program has been very successful. I think this points to leadership, rather than coaching.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    I don't think DePaul has the budget to buy out the remainder of Purnell's contract and hire a new coach.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Gato78 View Post
    It is clear he cannot deliver a winner.
    Except that Oliver has won everywhere else he has been. His DePaul tenure has been a disaster so far, no denying that. This year will be very telling. Young and Melvin are upperclassmen, and Garrett is supposed to be a real good player. They need to show a lot of improvement. If they don't, not sure it will matter in terms of his job security (which speaks to the Mayor's question), but the new league needs all the firepower it can have so I'm pulling for them to get it together.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by unclejohn View Post
    I have to wonder if it is more about the school than the coach.

    This to me is the biggest problem. I think their AD is borderline incompetent, and their higher-ups really don't seem all that concerned. I've said this before, but you really can't half-ass division one sports. Otherwise you get DePaul.

    As for Purnell, I thought he would be better than he turned out to be for them. I never thought he was a super-star, but the guy has been able to recruit well enough to turn around a couple programs and at least make them competitive. He just hasn't been able to land that top-notch recruit out of Chicago yet that could really change the way their program is viewed. They've gotten some decent mid-level type guys like Billy Garrett recently, but what if they had been able to pull off a Jabari Parker or Jahlil Okafor?

  8. #8
    I don't believe Purnell has ever won an NCAA tournament game.

    DePaul really needs their version of MU and Tom Crean.

    A young coach that works like crazy to get the program going in the right direction. Sells the program at every chance and gets students interested in hoops.
    Also helped to have Bill Cords who, along with Crean, did a very good job with the big money boosters.

    Not sure the AD is a Bill Cords, and I sure don't think Purnell is a Tom Crean type.

  9. #9
    Billy Garrett is an assistant's son. Purnell sure better have landed him. Groce has turned it on in Chicago which won't help OP. His two best players are from Baltimore. Chicago AAU is a tangled web.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by BLT View Post
    Billy Garrett is an assistant's son. Purnell sure better have landed him.

    Thanks....I think I once knew that!!

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