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Thread: 11.10.17 UW-La Crosse

  1. #1

    11.10.17 UW-La Crosse

    UW-La Crosse




    Friday, November, 10, 2017

    Milwaukee Panther Arena

    TV: ESPN3

    Radio: WISN 1130AM

    Free T-Shirt for first 500 students
    Free schedule magnets for all

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by MayorCK View Post
    UW-La Crosse




    Friday, November, 10, 2017

    Milwaukee Panther Arena

    TV: ESPN3

    Radio: WISN 1130AM

    Free T-Shirt for first 500 students
    Free schedule magnets for all
    I watched some of the game on the net. Looked like they had about three hundred students, which is decent. And, maybe, a couple hundred other fans. The JS box score said over 1400. I guess the other eight or nine hundred people were in the concourses enjoying the new arena dining options.
    "She would constantly try to throw [Coach Jeter] off and create distractions," said another source who worked in the athletic department and no longer is at UWM. "All the time. It was bad. I felt bad for him all the time. I told him, 'You're a bigger man than I am.' It was brutal. Sabotage was in the cards." -- From the JS story, March 17, 2016

    "Baldwin! Get in here and grovel!" "Right away Ms. B!!"

  3. #3
    They wound up opening one of the upper student sections, so that's a strong student turnout for a game against a WIAC team. I would say 1400+ was accurate. Still LOTS of room for improvement. I can't imagine how sparse the crowd will be for the non-Panther games during this so-called "Black & Gold Shootout" this weekend.

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