Can we just hit the re-set button on the last five years?
Jenny is a good person. I wish her luck in the future.
"She would constantly try to throw [Coach Jeter] off and create distractions," said another source who worked in the athletic department and no longer is at UWM. "All the time. It was bad. I felt bad for him all the time. I told him, 'You're a bigger man than I am.' It was brutal. Sabotage was in the cards." -- From the JS story, March 17, 2016
"Baldwin! Get in here and grovel!" "Right away Ms. B!!"
I check this board and the other one every day and I have a serious question: when will people start discussing UWM basketball again?
Of all the concerns I have about the administration of this program, the greatest is the stunningly abject lack of excitement or buzz.