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Thread: Practice facility won't be in UW System budget request

  1. #1

    Practice facility won't be in UW System budget request

    Link: Basketball Practice Facility put on the back burner in UW System request for funding

    I'm not happy with this, but I completely understand.

  2. #2
    Well that will certainly make recruiting easier. Good thing we threw the best recruiters we ever had out of the program in the purge last year!

    Somebody tell me what she has accomplished. I'm serious. I literally know of nothing, putting aside purging a ton of good people out of the department.
    "She would constantly try to throw [Coach Jeter] off and create distractions," said another source who worked in the athletic department and no longer is at UWM. "All the time. It was bad. I felt bad for him all the time. I told him, 'You're a bigger man than I am.' It was brutal. Sabotage was in the cards." -- From the JS story, March 17, 2016

    "Baldwin! Get in here and grovel!" "Right away Ms. B!!"

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