Talked to a lawyer friend of mine, he said more than likely she will settle, that way she'll get something. If it goes to an appeals trial, as has been discussed, bankruptcy will probably e declared and she'll get little to nothing.
Really interesting article on female sportscasters and safety.
"My contact didn't cite logic, he/she cited the NCAA rulebook." - IWB, 3/20/18
Somebody could get killed and would get 10% of that. Should the hotel acted better, I'm sure but did they actually think When they gave out her room info this would happen. A famous White sox player lived a few doors down till he retired and people would always ask me what house was his, and I would point it out. If that person did something would I be liable for 10 million. I know she will not get that amount, but to show she was truly wronged by 55 Mil and to award her that just shows how broke our legal system is and bad things happen to people every day. We live in a imperfect world
This thread shows how men think as opposed to women. Women are horrified by this story. No one can say how much of the award she will receive since it depends on available insurance. The individual defendant's homeowners will not cover because there is likely an intentional act exception in the policy.
The verdict will be appealed, and everyone will reach an out-of-court agreement, that will come with a gag order. No one will go bankrupt. Erin may have had the money to retain her lawyers, rather than a contingency - in which case she'd get all the negotiated settlement.
Two things...
First off, pointing out which house is that of a Sox player/neighbor is not exactly the same as booking some random caller in the room next to a female celebrity. When Katy Perry plays the Bradley Center, and I call the Pfister and request the hotel room next to hers, should they comply? Hell no - that is a HUGE difference!
Next - $55 million - Sure, it sounds insane, many of the high dollar suits always bug me when someone is awarded $10 million, $20 million, $50 million, but look at it this way... Did the guy that wronged her keep the video for himself? No, he broadcast it online. Cable companies pay the Big 10 $5.10 per household for crap nobody watches. Now this video was watched. It was watched 55 million times. How much would any network charge for advertising to 55 million viewers? How much would a porn company make for 55 million views? (trick question, its free unless you are doing it wrong).
How much should she be compensated? $1 dollar per view is not that crazy.
Don't look at it as whether or not she was wronged, look at it as how many times she was wronged. Hell, as of now the video/pics are still online and they always will be, so this is not going away. Slimy websites are still pulling page views off of this and will be for a long time, so they will continue to make cash after the court case. Is that right? No.
"When March Madness spills into April.... that's the gravy!" - Homer Simpson
Totally and completely agree with this Jim. On the same subject, I know people, including an ex-boss, who insist that this was all planned and she was in on it to generate more publicity for herself leading to more cash in her pocket. She couldn't have been more popular when this all happened - now in some respects, she is considered damaged goods. People will believe anything.