ESPN has an article out about the Nets paying a record $90.57 million into the luxury tax pool. Looking at the numbers, I have to ask, where does the money go?

There were 5 teams that got hit with the luxury tax.

Nets - $90.57 million
Knicks - $36.3 million
Heat - $14.4 million
Lakers - $8.9 million
Clippers - $1.3 million

Total - $151.47 million

The article says the money is split between the teams, and each team that does not pay luxury tax will get $3 million.


There are 30 teams in the NBA. 25 who get the $3 million.

Yep, that is only $75 million, so where does the remaining $76,470,000 go? That is a lot of coin for the NBA coffers.