Quote Originally Posted by warriorfan4life View Post
Except that the NHL is thriving away from Mickey Mouse in spite of having the dumbest commissioner in the history of sports. If the NHL had someone with a clue in charge, they would be fighting to be the number two sport in this country.

Along these lines, I wish that FS1 had the NHL and EPL contracts. I think those two contracts could help FS1 really differentiate itself from The Mouse.
Yeah, but how long did that take? The NHL was basically reduced to gutter trash for years and years before they started to make a resurgence. ESPN definitely put the screws to them for quite awhile. Even now hockey doesn't get close to the coverage on ESPN that it did when they had it on their airwaves, and the average sports fan goes there first.

Agreed, especially on the EPL. It was a huge mistake by Fox Sports to let that get away. It's a niche market, but it's a growing niche market and one they could have exclusively marketed to.