View Full Version : Top MU Transfers
Phantom Warrior
05-10-2014, 12:37 AM
Started thinking today about some of the transfers from other four-year programs (not from junior college) over the years. I can't go back before Al, but starting with Al's teams a few immediately come to mind.
Gary Brell
Jim Boylan
Ulice Payne
Jim Dudley
Ed Daniels
David Boone
Jerry Homan
Odell Ball
Bryan Nyenhuis
Marcus West
Ron Curry
Brian Barone
Walter Downing
Robert Jackson
Dan Fitzgerald
Mo Acker
Jamil Wilson
Trent Lockett
Mike Flory*
Mike Kinsella*
* Started at a four-year program, transferred to juco as sophs, then came to MU.
Robert Hall? (cant recall if he transferred in from juco or four-year program.
I'm sure I missed some.
05-10-2014, 07:42 AM
Kinsella actually announced the transfer to MU from Rice(?) prior to deciding to go the Juco route. He went to the Juco to play, rather than sit out two consecutive years. Crean may have aided in that decision.
Mark Miller
05-10-2014, 08:54 AM
Jake Thomas could be added to the list.
Keith Stewart? Only kidding.
Phantom Warrior
05-10-2014, 09:36 AM
Forgot about Stewart. He did transfer to MU (from Purdue if memory serves), but he didn't last long. Did he get dismissed from the team? I can't remember. I know he was highly-rated out of high school (don't recall which high school either - maybe Messmer?) but never lived up to the hype.
Thought about including Marshall Williams (Vincent to NC State), but I don't think he ever actually enrolled at MU. That was a weird situation.
05-10-2014, 09:52 AM
Stewart was going to be O'Neill's starting point guard and the job fell to Logterman when things didn't work out. It setback Kevin's rebuilding effort. As I remember Stewart was highly ranked and very athletic. He got away with bad technique because of that athleticism but things caught up to him when he reach D1 ball.
Marshall Williams journey really ended at NC State with a knee injury and a surgery that was screwed up -- never the same player. He signed with Mike Heideman at Green Bay out of JUCO. Heideman was fired and Tod Kowalcyzk was hired. Marshall didn't like the change and ended up at Georgetown of Kentucky. In Green Bay during open gym you could see glimpses of what could have been.
Mark Miller
05-10-2014, 12:09 PM
Stewart did attend Messmer and went to Purdue as a freshman. Fell asleep in a team meeting and that was the end of it.
He is now the head coach at Madison West. Good guy.
05-10-2014, 01:50 PM
Jay Zulauf (Bowling Green) and Bob Black (Mississippi State) are two more.
05-10-2014, 02:00 PM
Barry Brennan
05-10-2014, 02:13 PM
Jay Zulauf (Bowling Green) and Bob Black (Mississippi) are two more.
I played against Zulauf in the rec center during his redshirt year and thought "really?"
BTW, where are they now...
05-10-2014, 08:41 PM
Bruce Hayes.
As for Keith Stewart, he missed three games early in the season because he gave complimentary tickets to his friends from Messmer, a minor violation, but enough to get him suspended. Then he got suspended for a couple of more games by O'Neill for violating a team rule, which O'Neill would not specify (probably skipping class.) Then O'Neill suspended him for the rest of the season when he fell asleep in a film session. Keith claimed he was just clearing his vision when the lights came on, but O'Neill saw it differently. A friend of mine taught him at Messmer, and said he was the smartest kid he ever flunked.
Phantom Warrior
05-10-2014, 09:43 PM
I'm pretty sure Hayes was a walk-on. I don't think he was ever on scholarship.
I have to admit I do not even remember Bob Black. Did he get on the court at all? What position did he play? When was this?
Zulauf, if memory serves, had a brother (a much better player) who played for Michigan State. Or am I thinking of someone else?
Brennan played all four years at MU.
Zulauf had a twin brother that played at MSU.
05-11-2014, 12:32 PM
I have to admit I do not even remember Bob Black. Did he get on the court at all? What position did he play? When was this?
Don't have the info in front of me. He was on the NIT championship team in 1970 and didn't see much time. He was from Corning, Arkansas and I think his dad played football for the University of Arkansas.
Front row on left.
Phantom Warrior
05-11-2014, 02:29 PM
Were teams allowed 14 scholarship players back then?
The racial make up of the team is a bit surprising with Dream, Joe, and Ric the only black players.
If I count correctly, seven of the 14 were from the Milwaukee metropolitan area.
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