View Full Version : March 28, 1977 - where were you?
03-28-2012, 11:15 AM
Marquette 67 - North Carolina 59.
Whilst Hizzoner was almost 6 years old, his parents allowed him to stay up and watch the magical, glorious game. Where were you and what happened? We'd especially like to hear from those at MU at the time (hint Gato), but others of our experienced statesmen (hint, GE) are welcome.
03-28-2012, 11:22 AM
17 years old, working in a grocery store. Monday night was shelf stocking night, so I had to work. Listened to the game on the radio, enjoyed every minute.
Skipped school the next afternoon, went to campus and pep rally in front of TWC. Watched the parade at 5th and Wisconsin. Great day. Probably had an undue influence on my college choice, but that turned out great too.
03-28-2012, 11:33 AM
The TV Lounge on the 8th floor of McCormick - after the win we inflicted hundreds of $'s worth of damage to the floor - everyone was dinged for their fair share at the end of the year. From there to the lake and then we boarded a bus to the airport to meet the team - got to pat Al on he back in that iconic navy blue sport coat as they departed the plane - he seemed to be still in shock - seemed like thousands at the airport - got back to campus and the thing that stuck with me was people ripping the parking meters out of the cement in front of the Gym and pounding them on the ground to get the change out of it and thinking that is really a weird thing to do.
Going to classes the next day and how quiet the campus was because there was one huge collective hangover and most blowing off classes. I remember it being a beautiful day.
I actually had a ticket to FF through my brother who was a senior, but he and his friends were all highly professional drinkers so I thought it would be best for my safety to stay back in Milwaukee with my fellow frosh at McCormick.
Remember going home in May and getting my mom's permission to put a Marquette 1977 NCAA Champs bumper sticker on our Chevy station wagon (with the fake wood paneling on the side).
03-28-2012, 11:41 AM
8th grade. My first NCAA tournament pool. Picked MU to win. Last time I got the bracket right.
I listened to every game on the radio that season while simultaneously keeping my own stats in a spiral notebook.
I was very upset when Al announced his retirement because the team went into a down period and it looked very slim for getting in the NCAA tournament.
I can remember watching the Michigan game the day the bids were announced, and Al changing his sportcoat at halftime as a signal they received the bid.
The run through the tournament was just amazing. I still remember in the championship game when UNC took a lead and went into their four corners, and seeing it backfire on them. GREAT Memories.
03-28-2012, 11:53 AM
Working at Barnaby's on Port as a Pizza maker.
03-28-2012, 12:27 PM
Senior year in High School, at home watching the game with my family. Already looking forward to enrolling in the fall and hoping it would be to the defending National Champions!
03-28-2012, 12:29 PM
I was at my friend's house on the east side. There were about 25 people there. After the victory, I went back to campus with friends and drank at the bar, Kiernan's Tap (next to the Avalanche). They ran out of beer and started serving warm beer but we didn't care. One couldn't get into the more popular bars, The Lance, The Gym, etc. as they were jammed. The parade downtown two days later was fun but as I recall, Al didn't show up for it.
I still have my unused 1977 NCAA Champions Bumper Sticker and a decal(a basketball wearing a crown with Marquette, 1977 NCAA Champs on it). I put my "God Bless Al McGuire" bumper sticker on my car (that is long gone). I still have the Milwaukee Sentinel paper from the next day with Bo Ellis going thru the hoop with the net around his neck. The headline read "Marquette Wins First NCAA Title". As I told many over the years, the operative word in that headline is "First".
03-28-2012, 12:34 PM
I was in Clinton, Iowa working my first broadcast job -- KROC Radio,on a rainy balmy night. I still have the AP copy that came out immediately after the game. We had an old fashion teletype that would have five rings for a bulletin.
03-28-2012, 12:37 PM
Watched game with two other '76 grads at the Big Kumquat (now a Target store) on Rand Road Arlington Heights, IL. Once the game was over we drove to Millwaukee, entered the Gym and within minutes of arriving, it was shut down. Found another establishment to visit, obiligated to stop to see Mr. Francis and Blondie, enjoyed a bowl and a half medium beans only. Returned to Arlington Heights and went to work with an attitude like that of Robert Conrad with the Everready battery on his shoulder.
03-28-2012, 12:57 PM
Saved seats in the Union all day to be in front row for big screen that evening. Did not drink a drop because in 1974 I went to the Union to watch National Championship game and was so smashed I barely remembered a play (my senior year in high school). After the horn sounded I ran like hell out to Wisconsin Avenue and was one of the first ones on the Ave. WE then ran to the lakefront and walked back to campus as was tradition. Wisconsin Ave was shut down and many people ther, some in cars but they didn't care. Rained like hell but it did not matter as people just got quarter and half barrels from Friend's Liquor store and let it rip right on Wells Street. Went to the airport to welcome the team back. Wild scene there as we packed it and there was no room for anyone to move. Rosenberger comes near us and said someone stole his gym bag which had his uniform so me and my buddies helped look for it. Never found it.
After the airport I went back to my apartment above Doc's Liquor Store, next to Jimmy Hegarty's. Crashed, around 4am, had to be in class the next morning at 8:00am which I had to attend because only four misses were allowed and I already had three. WHen I woke up that morning there were 4 or 5 guys crashed in my apartment along with two parking meters and a street sign. Went to class, opened the Sentinel and saw myself with my friends in a famous picture---it is on my basement wall if anyone wants to take a look. Then I bagged the rest of the day. That was frickin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-28-2012, 01:01 PM
Saved seats in the Union all day to be in front row for big screen that evening. Did not drink a drop because in 1974 I went to the Union to watch National Championship game and was so smashed I barely remembered a play (my senior year in high school). After the horn sounded I ran like hell out to Wisconsin Avenue and was one of the first ones on the Ave. WE then ran to the lakefront and walked back to campus as was tradition. Wisconsin Ave was shut down and many people ther, some in cars but they didn't care. Rained like hell but it did not matter as people just got quarter and half barrels from Friend's Liquor store and let it rip right on Wells Street. Went to the airport to welcome the team back. Wild scene there as we packed it and there was no room for anyone to move. Rosenberger comes near us and said someone stole his gym bag which had his uniform so me and my buddies helped look for it. Never found it.
After the airport I went back to my apartment above Doc's Liquor Store, next to Jimmy Hegarty's. Crashed, around 4am, had to be in class the next morning at 8:00am which I had to attend because only four misses were allowed and I already had three. WHen I woke up that morning there were 4 or 5 guys crashed in my apartment along with two parking meters and a street sign. Went to class, opened the Sentinel and saw myself with my friends in a famous picture---it is on my basement wall if anyone wants to take a look. Then I bagged the rest of the day. That was frickin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
What exactly was "a big screen" in those days?
03-28-2012, 01:05 PM
An ache in my dad's ballbag, unfortunately.
03-28-2012, 01:07 PM
Big screen was mighty weak compared to today's standards. Remember that beer was served in the Union so it was a pretty raucous scene.
03-28-2012, 01:07 PM
I was in 8th grade. I too remember Al changing sport coats at half time to let the fans know we had the NCAA bid - times sure have changed.
Watched at home with the family less my older brother who was a junior at MU at the time. Awesome game and celebration. I remember everyone I knew had a MU 1977 National Champ t-shirt too. Would not be uncommon to go to something and see multiple people with the same t-shirt on.
I really wish media rights were different. We all see the shot from Christian Laettner every year (CBS) but never do we see the full court pass and final hoop by Whitehead in the final four game sending MU to a win over UNC Charlotte and on to the title game (NBC broadcast).
03-28-2012, 01:15 PM
Big screen was mighty weak compared to today's standards. Remember that beer was served in the Union so it was a pretty raucous scene.
My recollection of a big screen in those days was maybe a 24" TV that weighted about 200 lbs.
03-28-2012, 01:19 PM
It was a projection, fairly large but like high school AV quality.
03-28-2012, 01:22 PM
Sophomore year of high school and playing in a high school aged basketball tournament at the Eau Claire YMCA. Our game was played during the first half the national championship game so I had the younger brother of one of my teammates serve as a score runner as the game was on TV in the lounge adjacent to the gym and he'd give me updates from the overhead track. We had an 85 mile trip back home after the game, but I made the coach wait until the MU game was over before he could leave. I never saw the first half until I bought a video back in about 1988.
03-28-2012, 01:24 PM
The best part about those days, everyone was an MU fan. Bucky was sucking it up at the bottom of the Big 10 with Northwestern in both Football and Basketball.
03-28-2012, 01:47 PM
I was there at the Omni taking in the best game of MU history (so far ). What a great weekend. Great games on Saturday topped by Whitehead's putback at the buzzer followed by Al's masterful handling of the 4 corners on Monday. Lots of memories the least of which is the resounding hangover I had the next morning after drinking too much in the bars in Underground Atlanta. Was fun seeing the vendors trying to unload all the merchandise with the UNC 1977 NCAA Champs. Barely made the plane the next morning. All etche in my meory banks....;)
When MU won it all I was at home with the family. As soon as the game ended, my dad ordered us into the car and we headed down towards campus. We were on Wisconsin as the student crowd was growing larger, and suddenly our car was surrounded by the mobs headed to the lakefront. After being stuck in the midst of all of the humanity for a good amount a time, a police officer that was a family friend noticed us and worked us out of the crowd. I was 11 years old, and remember it like it was yesterday.
03-28-2012, 02:56 PM
I was 8 years old and my parents wouldn't allow me to stay up and watch the game. I grew up 10 miles from Notre Dame and I was a big ND fan back then, but I loved Al McGuire and was very happy that Marquette won.
Fast forward about 10 years and I am a freshman at MU and sitting in the bleachers of Notre Dame's A.C.C.. I am wearing my famous (to me) shirt that has Marquette on the front with a hand holding up The finger designating us as #1.....and on the back of the shirt it says Notre Dame and a big middle finger. Haha...still have that shirt!!
03-28-2012, 04:30 PM
It was a projection, fairly large but like high school AV quality.
So Gato and friends were the parking meter culprits and I was there to witness it!!
03-28-2012, 04:37 PM
Gato, has the statute of limitations run out on that?
Did the meter have enough in it for a bowl and a half of Real Chili?
On that note, when did Real Chilli change it from a "second 1/2 bowl" to a "second helping"?
03-28-2012, 10:30 PM
The parking meters and the street sign were quickly moved from my apartment to the roof of the adjoining building. It must be stated that I had nothing to do with the theft of the meters and the sign.
03-29-2012, 08:34 AM
The parking meters and the street sign were quickly moved from my apartment to the roof of the adjoining building. It must be stated that I had nothing to do with the theft of the meters and the sign.
You being a lawyer, it would seem to me that you could have inserted the word "aforementioned" to boost your case - "I had nothing to do with the theft of the aforementioned meters and the sign".
03-29-2012, 08:59 AM
You being a lawyer, it would seem to me that you could have inserted the word "aforementioned" to boost your case - "I had nothing to do with the theft of the aforementioned meters and the sign".
Theft? Who mentioned anything about theft? did Gato just admit to knowledge of a "theft" of said meters? Hmmmmmmm....
03-29-2012, 09:07 AM
I had knowledge but please be assured the aforementioned statute of limitations has run. Again, I was not involved in the theft of said government property.
03-29-2012, 10:42 AM
I had knowledge but please be assured the aforementioned statute of limitations has run. Again, I was not involved in the theft of said government property.
Much, much better although you could have found a place for a "of or pertaining to that which is being spoken of" verbiage.
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