View Full Version : All's quiet....
All is quiet for now, not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Understand that I am on top of this and will update with any changes.
03-26-2012, 05:20 PM
No news is good news i think
03-26-2012, 06:00 PM
No news is good news i think
My thoughts as well.
Just an update of sorts... At this point no decisions have been made, hope to know more tomorrow. Also, despite reports, there is no team meeting that has been called for, or is scheduled for tomorrow.
03-26-2012, 11:23 PM
Just an update of sorts... At this point no decisions have been made, hope to know more tomorrow. Also, despite reports, there is no team meeting that has been called for, or is scheduled for tomorrow.
No decisions have been made by who?
Dan Silvestri
03-27-2012, 10:10 AM
No decisions have been made by who?
I would guess by neither. If Buzz made a decision, that would be decision. If Marquette made a decision, that's a decision. If Buzz decided to staty and Marquette is still thinking about it, then that wouldn;t count as a decision, since nothing is decided. This is just way to painful for all of us out here - and I am sure this is not fun for Buzz and his family.
Stay Buzz! Keep Buzz, MU!
MU can't really decide whether he stays or goes, all they can to is try to get him to do one or the other. I believe this one is all up to Buzz and his family.
03-27-2012, 10:19 AM
MU can't really decide whether he stays or goes, all they can to is try to get him to do one or the other. I believe this one is all up to Buzz and his family.
Maybe we should be sending emails to Buzz's wife:D
Dan Silvestri
03-27-2012, 10:47 AM
MU can't really decide whether he stays or goes, all they can to is try to get him to do one or the other. I believe this one is all up to Buzz and his family.
Hey Jim - if it is all up to Buzz, then that means Marquette wants him to stay, right? Otherwise, it can't be up to Buzz. Is that the case?
Maybe we should be sending more emails to Buzz then.
03-27-2012, 10:50 AM
After the firestorm of the past 3 or 4 days, Buzz has to be fully cognizant of the love and affection he has engendered with the Marquette faithful.
03-27-2012, 10:53 AM
After the firestorm of the past 3 or 4 days, Buzz has to be fully cognizant of the love and affection he has engendered with the Marquette faithful.
It's been pretty unanimous in that regard. If Larry Williams does not understand that, he will quickly.
The Al was built on the Final 4 run. I hope they have enough $ in reserve to run it after the firestorm if he leaves.
Hey Jim - if it is all up to Buzz, then that means Marquette wants him to stay, right? Otherwise, it can't be up to Buzz. Is that the case?
Maybe we should be sending more emails to Buzz then.
I really don't know the answer to that. If Marquette does nothing, just sits and waits for his response, does that mean they want him to stay? I don't know.
If MU was aggressively sitting at the table with him trying to convince him to stay, then yes, but I don't know that has happened.
03-27-2012, 11:09 AM
I really don't know the answer to that. If Marquette does nothing, just sits and waits for his response, does that mean they want him to stay? I don't know.
If MU was aggressively sitting at the table with him trying to convince him to stay, then yes, but I don't know that has happened.
If this hasn't happened yet, then I think he's gone. Along with that, what is Larry Williams home address so I can ship all my Marquette gear to him? I will no longer need it while he's around. Time to move on to a different "hobby", this one is too stressful year after year (going back to TC's tenure even with this annual crap).
03-27-2012, 11:12 AM
On a side note, just got the email for the MU 2012 Awards banquet, that should be a lot of fun if Buzz is gone.
03-27-2012, 11:16 AM
On a side note, just got the email for the MU 2012 Awards banquet, that should be a lot of fun if Buzz is gone.
Yeah, I just saw that. That would/may be a disaster.
03-27-2012, 11:17 AM
On a side note, just got the email for the MU 2012 Awards banquet, that should be a lot of fun if Buzz is gone.
I remember the last one when Crean left - that was very odd but plenty of people were pissed at Crean and supportive of MU... I would think this one (if Buzz left) would be a disaster...
03-27-2012, 11:24 AM
My hope is that this is a coded message! Otherwise, why not sit on it until this is resolved?
On a side note, just got the email for the MU 2012 Awards banquet, that should be a lot of fun if Buzz is gone.
03-27-2012, 11:26 AM
My hope is that this is a coded message! Otherwise, why not sit on it until this is resolved?
Given the track record of MU's great PR department, I wouldn't get my hopes up, lol.
03-27-2012, 11:28 AM
I remember the last one when Crean left - that was very odd but plenty of people were pissed at Crean and supportive of MU... I would think this one (if Buzz left) would be a disaster...
I am guessing it was computer generated (automatically) and no one thought of stopping it at the time.
03-27-2012, 12:00 PM
Larry would have to attend, would he not? I actually might try to get a ticket to this, it could be a real hoot.
03-27-2012, 12:04 PM
Sad to think that Jae Crowder's and DJO's last memory of Marquette basketball could be a season ending banquet without the head coach or maybe none of the coaches in attendance. That would be pretty depressing in all honesty and regardless of where you stand.
03-27-2012, 12:12 PM
Sad to think that Jae Crowder's and DJO's last memory of Marquette basketball could be a season ending banquet without the head coach or maybe none of the coaches in attendance. That would be pretty depressing in all honesty and regardless of where you stand.
And having Larry passing out the awards.
03-27-2012, 12:16 PM
You do wonder though if it is hinting at something. I mean, everyone within those office walls know what's going on, they aren't idiots. Given the fact that a decision is expected virtually anytime, they could have been told to hold off for a day or two until something is known for sure. It's not like this would be coming out of the blue like a week or two before the banquet. You would LIKE to think that if they are convinced Buzz is leaving, why send this out now?? Or even if the yaren't sure. otherwise, it's going to make even more people like stupid behind the walls of the Al.
03-27-2012, 12:17 PM
That would be terrible. I'm sure Larry very well may get booed too. Should be a celebration and a great night for Crowder, DJO and the team.
No coaches in the house to talk about the players and their stories, just Larry who has been here for 4 months.
03-27-2012, 12:19 PM
You do wonder though if it is hinting at something. I mean, everyone within those office walls know what's going on, they aren't idiots. Given the fact that a decision is expected virtually anytime, they could have been told to hold off for a day or two until something is known for sure. It's not like this would be coming out of the blue like a week or two before the banquet. You would LIKE to think that if they are convinced Buzz is leaving, why send this out now?? Or even if the yaren't sure. otherwise, it's going to make even more people like stupid behind the walls of the Al.
Nope. It was generated at the time the initial email was sent. Done by the PR department. When entered, had a follow up sent on "x" date, which happenned to be today. Nothing more involved, nothing more sinister.
everyone within those office walls know what's going on
That is not even close to being true.
03-27-2012, 01:08 PM
That is not even close to being true.
My apologies Jim. I made an assumption. I just figured with something THIS big going on, pretty much everyone on campus would know SOMETHING, or at least have heard something. That's pretty amazing if they have kept it this quiet.
Do the players know anything??
Its not like people are tip toeing around saying, "Don't tell anyone he's staying" or "Don't tell anyone he's going"....
No one knows anything. And who is keeping anything quiet? Buzz has a decision to make. The administration needs to address the situation with Buzz. There is nothing that has been decided, or done, that people are keeping quiet.
Anyone who says right now, "He's not going anywhere" or "He leaving" does not know what they are talking about. This is not a done deal in either direction.
03-27-2012, 03:02 PM
Its not like people are tip toeing around saying, "Don't tell anyone he's staying" or "Don't tell anyone he's going"....
No one knows anything. And who is keeping anything quiet? Buzz has a decision to make. The administration needs to address the situation with Buzz. There is nothing that has been decided, or done, that people are keeping quiet.
Anyone who says right now, "He's not going anywhere" or "He leaving" does not know what they are talking about. This is not a done deal in either direction.
+1. No one on the inside knows as of now.
03-27-2012, 03:06 PM
Is Buzz on campus. This is a dead period for recruiting due to Final4
Alan Bykowski, "brewcity77"
03-27-2012, 03:12 PM
Is Buzz on campus. This is a dead period for recruiting due to Final4
There were pics of Buzz recording his season wrap up show with Homer from this morning...presumably he's in Milwaukee today.
From an insider:
It's this simple. Buzz has never had a boss at he has's an adjustment. I believe they can work things out...if both sides want to.
This person would be "shocked" if Buzz went to SMU.
Dan Silvestri
03-27-2012, 10:25 PM
After the firestorm of the past 3 or 4 days, Buzz has to be fully cognizant of the love and affection he has engendered with the Marquette faithful.
I would think so too, Gato. Was nice to get an email from Buzz in response too - Go Marquette!
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