View Full Version : IWBs eyes are rolling back into his head.........
03-20-2012, 03:57 PM
Just talked to the Irritated White Boy and is he ever irritated. He told me he will have a full report later but that the media absolutely ruined Marquette's Sweet Sixteen sendoff today. Apparently trying to dig deeper into the "Underage College Students Seen in Bar" story. IWB has arrived at Dominican and will intitially report via Twitter. He will then text me to confirm to the Board. He also said his Tweet will be prepared in advance and he will hit send as soon as Wilson announces and not a second befroe. If anyone posts anything before that time, they are cheating the game.
MU Viking
03-20-2012, 04:12 PM
Just talked to the Irritated White Boy and is he ever irritated. He told me he will have a full report later but that the media absolutely ruined Marquette's Sweet Sixteen sendoff today. Apparently trying to dig deeper into the "Underage College Students Seen in Bar" story. IWB has arrived at Dominican and will intitially report via Twitter. He will then text me to confirm to the Board. He also said his Tweet will be prepared in advance and he will hit send as soon as Wilson announces and not a second befroe. If anyone posts anything before that time, they are cheating the game.
Effing pathetic. Makes me angry even before hearing the story. Talk about a witch hunt...
03-20-2012, 04:16 PM
I too am getting very angry even without all the details. Saw this tweet:
Matt Trebby @trebby
Someone asked DJO about allegations he started a bar fight in January. Responded by saying he'll have to talk to Buzz about that. #mubb
What in the world does that have to do with anything, much less the "underage citation" issue that came out today? Witch hunt is exactly right.
03-20-2012, 04:18 PM
For what it is worth, members of the Murray State team came into the bar we were imbibing in Louisville Thursday night - it was not a family environment there for sure as my liver can attest. Daniel was one of them although I was not sure who the other guys were or their ages - was no more than 3 that I saw and didn't look like they were drinking to me. MU team didn't go near any bars during their trip unless they went out Saturday night.
03-20-2012, 04:52 PM
I too am getting very angry even without all the details. Saw this tweet:
Matt Trebby @trebby
Someone asked DJO about allegations he started a bar fight in January. Responded by saying he'll have to talk to Buzz about that. #mubb
What in the world does that have to do with anything, much less the "underage citation" issue that came out today? Witch hunt is exactly right.
Saw this as well, and would be very curious to hear who asked that question. It was a male voice, but didn't recognize it. Whoever it is should never be credentialed by MU again. Absolutely absurd.
03-20-2012, 04:58 PM
People wonder why Buzz doesn't appear happy at times. He's probably going to wonder if SMU wouldn't be a bad option.
03-20-2012, 05:16 PM
they definitely did not go out saturday night, their plane came back saturday night so they couldnt go out. I saw them sitting watching kentucky most of the night...
so tired of the milwaukee media and people making a big deal out of nothing...its pathetic.
03-20-2012, 05:38 PM
I'll preface this by saying I think this type of media micro-coverage is absolutely ridiculous.....
However, it is the way of the world these days, unfortunately - from college athletics to politics to education, etc....
Eexponentially expanding media options all competing for the same number of finite eyeballs...sensationalism sells....
I understand why people in the limelight - like Buzz in this case - would get sick and tired of dealing with this kind of crap....
However, it's not like one can escape it by leaving Marquette and instead coaching at SMU, Illinois, Texas, or even UWM.....
It goes with the territory these days......Doesn't make it right - its not - but it is what it is........
OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unreal. Absolutely unreal. Where do I start?
Marquette's basketball team is ready to head to Phoenix for the Sweet 16. Two hours before the bus leaves, the Journal runs a story about players getting tickets for being in a bar back in January. Really? Really? Now?
So - Marquette has a press conference with a fan sendoff for the team. Tons of media showed up, I thought, "Finally - this team is getting the coverage they deserve!" I did wonder however, why TV stations like 4, 6, 12 had two TV camera there, and then I realized why. These people were not sportscasters there for the basketball team, they were junior news reporters there for the big underage people in a bar scandal. Wow. Really?
So DJO comes out - first question about basketball, then from the back of the room, comes Chip Brewster(?) of Fox Six, as he yells, yes, YELLS, "Darius, can you respond to the allegations that you started a bar fight?" What? Really? Wow. I felt like asking him to respond the allegations that his sources are fan message boards. Really? Are there allegations all over town about DJO? No, there are not.
So finally Buzz comes out. He starts out by apologizing for being late, saying that right before he came out, he was made aware of the story in the Journal. He said the incident happened on January 29th, and they addressed it as a team on January 29th. He said they addressed it with the administration on the 30th. He said that was all he would say on the subject. So he fields a basketball question. Then comes Abe Lubetkin(?) from channel 12, who yells, yes YELLS, (why do these guys all have to yell their questions? Its a small room, and we all take turns). Anyway, the guy yells, "Will there be players held out this weekend because of the citations?" Buzz was pissed. I was pissed. Everyone in the room on the side of "Sports Media", looked pissed. Buzz finally says, "Did I misspeak? Was I unclear? What is your name? Where do you work? The incident happened on January 29th. We addressed it with the team on that day, and we addressed it with the administration on the 30th." The guy fires back, "You didn't address the issue of possible suspensions as a result of the citations." I thought Buzz was going to flip. Scott Kuykendall jumped in and said that was enough, we are here to talk about basketball. Then Buzz said, "There is so much in that article that just doesn't match up...the dates, the quotes... The request for records was made on January 29th, but the tickets weren't issued until March 12th - how does that work?"
I'll tell you who is lucky, the guy from either channel 4 or 58 who was seated next to the kid from 12 because he tried to butt in to ask the question but Abe out shouted him.
This really sucks bad for two reasons.....
1) There were a lot of sports media people there that wanted to ask questions about the team, the Sweet 16 and Florida. But the majority of the time was taken up by these jack-holes.
2) Marquette has a high profile, world class coach. Huge. Big Time. When you have police officers leaking information to the only newspaper in town, and they in turn try to sabotage Marquette's big moment, and these TV wanna-bes ruining the team's sendoff to Phoenix, why in the hell would Buzz Williams want to stay in Milwaukee?
I didn't video tape the press conference because I figured everyone would, so I planned on getting one-on-one videos with the players before they boarded the bus, but I was so pissed off I just left.
People wonder why pro baseball players and NBA players and McDonald's All American's don't want to play in Milwaukee, and on days like this, I can't blame them.
And now Channel 15 in Madison Tweets that 6 Marquette players were ticketed? Really? Do they report on citations of athletes at Wisconsin? Did they even report that Marquette made it to the Sweet 16?
03-20-2012, 06:45 PM
Chip Brewster may be contacted at
Abe Lubetkin can be reached at
I believe they may be added to the book I am writing, boy have I had to add some names lately....
03-20-2012, 07:20 PM
I believe they may be added to the book I am writing, boy have I had to add some names lately....
Nazi sensationalist A-holes (with a capital A) I tell you. This is the type of "reporting" people want these days? What an embarrassement to the good people of this town. For the first time in my 14 years here, I can honestly say that I am ashamed to be a resident.
03-20-2012, 07:41 PM
I believe they may be added to the book I am writing, boy have I had to add some names lately....
Best. Book. Ever.
03-20-2012, 07:59 PM
Jim any guess about the timing of all this?
(1) Just accidental timing?
(2) Ax to grind fearless anonymous source?
(3) Marquette players really are all criminals who will do grad work at Waupun Correctional Institute? Go WCI Fighting Inmates!
(4) Some journalists are lazy and will do a story or non story if it is spoon fed to them?
03-20-2012, 08:01 PM
FYI, my bet is a combination of 2 and 4.
Want to know what I really think? Well, here goes......
This was in January, and citations were issued on March 12th. Let me see..... "citation".....have you ever gotten a speeding ticket, or "citation"? When did the officer give it to you, when you were pulled over or 2 months later?
I believe that this was over and done with, a non-issue. Then someone told the Journal that these guys were rounded up by the police for being in the bar. The Journal started hounding the police for the records through the open records law. The police had not issued citations, so there were no records to share. The Journal kept at them, and kept at them. So finally, on March 12th, two months after the incident, the police decide the Journal won't let it die, so they issue citations. It is all over the internet today that MU is having a big send off, so someone decides this better get out there before that or we will miss our chance. Boom.
So my question is this....where did the Journal get tipped off? By a police officer or a post on a message board? Think about that. Seems as if this is not the first time that has happened that way.
03-20-2012, 08:38 PM
And now Channel 15 in Madison Tweets that 6 Marquette players were ticketed? Really? Do they report on citations of athletes at Wisconsin? Did they even report that Marquette made it to the Sweet 16?
I thought they would be too busy reporting on the scandal at Memorial. ;)
Seriously, if Channel 15 thinks this is such an important report, I think they would get bogged down reporting on the underage drinking tickets at the Madison area High Schools. One spring (about 3 years ago) LaFollette lost an opportunity at a state championship in Boys & Girls Track, Boys Baseball, Girls Soccer and two potential medalists at the State Golf Tournament due to drinking violations from a LaFollette party. Nary a word on it in Madison. But this one has legs for the fools from Channel 15. I can't stand this station, a true Badger homer station and reporters. Robb Vogel is a joke.
Mark Miller
03-20-2012, 08:54 PM
Have to credit Jeff Potrykus. Today on the Heller show he called it a "non-story." Said it was a lot of nothing and that on any given weekend, you could go into a bar in Madison and find UW athletes -- some underage -- in a bar.
Amen. End of story.
But those with an axe to grind with Marquette will play it up like it's a big deal, which of course, it's not.
03-20-2012, 09:19 PM
27 in Madison ran it as their s16 story, w the local angle of vander.
03-20-2012, 09:26 PM
Ticketed. They players were ticketed. So now are we reporting on when student athletes get pulled over for speeding and are ticketed? That could be considered a much more dangerous infraction.
03-20-2012, 09:28 PM
whats an s16 story?
I believe s16 is Sweet 16.
03-20-2012, 09:51 PM
I'm sick to my stomach.....the amount of good that Marquette does for this community and this is the type of sh*t we have to deal I wish Al was still around to act as elder statesman and tell the media what they can do to themselves....MU needs to invest in some serious PR talent because these witch hunts are becoming a trend.....
Now let's take this another step with the Milwaukee Journal..... Now they have a video up of it as their lead story. While there is nothing bad in Buzz' comments, I find it odd that the whole thing is edited in and around several different questions and answers. There were questions about his post game press conference in Louisville, and his response is added in here as if it was all in response to the supposed issue. Then they put Jamil Wilson in there as if he was responding to Buzz' reaction about the incident. Jamil Wilson was the first one out there, and Chris Jenkins of the AP asked what it was like playing for Buzz, and what kind of coach he is. That too, is made to look like it is all part of the response.
What is with these people? Yes, some of my videos are rough, and not exactly produces to perfection, but I publish them as is, I don't try to make various parts look like something when they are actually part of something else.
03-20-2012, 10:25 PM
I believe s16 is Sweet 16.
yup. was on my phone.
03-20-2012, 10:26 PM
I really wonder if the JS is trying to be the Chicago Tribune. The Tribune took on ND and then wrote those one sided articles about MU. I think the little sister JS wants to show something by taking on MU.
Really pathetic journalism. I know Walker has his supporters here and I trust your judgment on him. It does, though, make me wonder. As ydouask said earlier, Walker also wrote the Larry Williams article.
The timing, the way this has been handled, really reeks.
03-20-2012, 10:45 PM
Chip Brewster may be contacted at
Abe Lubetkin can be reached at
Great - so now our TV station news teams are resorting to having guys like Brewster read message boards and use those as leads to stories. Wow.
03-20-2012, 11:22 PM
Great - so now our TV station news teams are resorting to having guys like Brewster read message boards and use those as leads to stories. Wow.
does "Chip Brewster" report with sweater over his shoulders?
In a strange sort of way, this could bring Larry Williams and Buzz closer. Larry could see how the local media is treating MU and the program and get really pissed and stick up for them and Buzz. I thought his quote was direct and swift.
03-21-2012, 11:33 AM
I'm sure the JS is going to be looking into who actually paid for the damage UW students did to the hotel room (over $1,000) while partying at the Rose Bowl. Hopefully this wasn't paid for by the UW athletic department in some sort of cover up.
03-21-2012, 02:06 PM
In a strange sort of way, this could bring Larry Williams and Buzz closer. Larry could see how the local media is treating MU and the program and get really pissed and stick up for them and Buzz. I thought his quote was direct and swift.
I hope you are right man. Larry Williams needs to sit down and have some lunch with Bill Cords sometime soon. As Crean said of Cords, he always stood in front when the bullets came flying.
Dan Silvestri
03-21-2012, 04:47 PM
I hope Buzz can keep his head about him and his wits. You can't escape this crap these days from "journalists" They are all Jerry Springers. I am sure other towns and cities are doing the sam - if you are in coaching, you are going to face this. Except in Milwaukee, it is one-sided. Only report any alleged bad stuff about Marquette, while the Madison crowd goes unpublished. Ugh!
I think the difference is that in most cities, the media is building up a team for their Sweet 16 run, not trying to tear them down.
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