View Full Version : Some reporters need to get a clue about the real drama and story
03-18-2012, 08:58 AM
Watching ESPN Sports Reporters I was struck by the cynicism in the conversation about the NCAA Tournament and the lack of respect for the non-traditional college powers. No love for any school outside Kentucky, Syracuse, MSU types. Let’s face it Kentucky is a semi-pro team with a coach who has broken rules at every place he’s been employed. I think the thing that got me the most was the reporter who said the real tournament starts in the next round. The NCAA Tournament is what it is because of the Buzz Williams, DJO, Jae Crowder life stories. It’s about Cinderella’s like Lehigh and yes even the Bo Ryan’s who paid years of dues at places like Racine College and Platteville. The NCAA Tournament should not be about the Calipari’s of the world.
03-18-2012, 10:17 AM
Amen Tulsa, Amen.
03-18-2012, 01:23 PM
I have just returned home from Louisville and I cannot say enough bad things about Kentucky. Their fan base is as bad as I remember it. The have a sense of entitlement, much like Duke fans, but they are coming from an entirely different world. As one MU grad who lives in Louisville said "They won't pay their bills but they will find a way to pay for tickets." Their fans are mostly dumb and exceptionally rude. The Louisville fans were our bretheren the past few days. There is nothing nice to say about Kentucky fans. And they hate MArquette,
I couldn't believe the insanely loud boos raining down from the Kentucky fans during the Iowa State introductions. Really? You have that much hatred for Iowa State?
But the thing that killed me last night was this... I was seated on the media row right next to the tunnel where Iowa State's team came in and out. It was half time, and Iowa State was heading into the tunnel. There were hundreds, and I mean HUNDREDS, of Kentucky fans hanging over the wall screaming at the Iowa State players, "You suck!"...."Go back to Iowa"...."Go home losers!" and the ever so classy, "F-You!!
Why? Kentucky was up 11 at that point, and it was Iowa State - there is no rivalry there, they aren't in the same conference - here are some kids fighting a paid-for-pro-team, and that is what is thrown at them?!?
What makes it worse, is that I was looking the whole time, and these weren't college students. This was men and women in their 30s, 40s and 50s. I was shocked.
Also, had a guy in the front row right behind me. Royce White fouled a guy pretty hard, and this guy just starts screaming - "You're an ass-hole White - why don't you go to a real college? You couldn't cut it at Kentucky! Go to a real college you bum!" I look at this guy and he is probably mid-50s. I felt like telling him that Iowa State is a member of the American Association of Universities, whereas Kentucky is not, and that US News and World Report has Iowa State in the top 100 universities, whereas Kentucky is not, but I figured the guy probably didn't even go to Kentucky. What made it better? As he is screaming this, Royce White pushed his way through his own teammates to go and help the guy up. Oh, and Royce White was offered by Kentucky and turned them down because he wanted to be closer to home.
Kentucky fans are out of control.
03-18-2012, 02:32 PM
I was at the 1978 Final4 in St. Louis with Ky, Duke, ND and Arkansas. Between the crassness of the Ky fans and the smug eliteness of the Domers and the Dookies, it was hard to choose the worst. Picked Ky easily due to their numbers and the fact they won and had to listen to long strains of My Old Ky Home. At least the Arkansas fans were friendly, but my ears are still ringing from the endless croakings of WOO PIG SOOOIEEE....! Not to mention the plastic red razorback caps they all wore. Quite an experience...!
03-18-2012, 05:09 PM
Duke fans are elitist and feel entitled. Notre Dame fans are elitist but in hoops, I don't think they feel entiteld. Kentucky fans are elitest, feel they are entiteld and are complete a-holes. I have been to many NCAAs and conference tourneys. I have travelled to many MU road games. I love mixing with fans from the other schools. Fanbases like Louisville and Wisconsin are tough to deal with in the arena but they leave it there and they do not cross the line. Kentucky fans are vile and crass. Perhaps the worst in all of sports.
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