View Full Version : Use of Davante today
03-17-2012, 07:44 PM
Man did Buzz ever use Davante almost perfectly in the second half. Pressure D then put in Davante for offense and he came through when it counted.
Davante would not have been effective in major minutes against Murray State, but Buzz did a great job with his minutes.
03-17-2012, 08:08 PM
I thought the time out Buzz called at the 8 minute mark and down 5 was the turning point. Regrouped, brought Davante in and the game changed.
And to all the critics that said Buzz does not coach defense, the defense is what won that game. It was a stranglehold D the last 8 minutes. The only points that MSU scored were off of long rebounds or odd plays.
I thought Buzz coached a brilliant game. Just brilliant.
Troy Sparks
03-17-2012, 08:15 PM
MArquette is back in the round of 16. Woohoo.
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