03-08-2012, 12:27 PM
...although article is on Bobby Valentine. I would think if MU makes a long run this year, Buzz will be getting a lot of attention in that department.
"Where is Al McGuire when we need him? Abe Lemons? Duffy Daugherty? Al Davis? But it is in baseball where we most miss the characters at the helm. Baseball, after all, is the national pastime. A lot of time passes in the dugout. It's the most oral of sports. Thank heavens, even if his address has changed to Miami, Ozzie Guillen is still around to shoot his mouth off in the best tradition of Casey Stengel and Earl Weaver."
"Where is Al McGuire when we need him? Abe Lemons? Duffy Daugherty? Al Davis? But it is in baseball where we most miss the characters at the helm. Baseball, after all, is the national pastime. A lot of time passes in the dugout. It's the most oral of sports. Thank heavens, even if his address has changed to Miami, Ozzie Guillen is still around to shoot his mouth off in the best tradition of Casey Stengel and Earl Weaver."