View Full Version : Chancellor Lovell Discussing Basketball Arena on 89.7 FM-1:30 pm-thursday 2/7
02-06-2013, 10:48 PM
"As for the future basketball arena , you might be interested in the chancellors comments on that topic during his upcoming February show on radio station WUWM, 89.7 FM.( it will be played at 1:30 pm Feb 7 , and 7:30 pm Feb 10 , and archived on the WUWM website thereafter).
Referencing the basketball teams, he talks about the initial focus on construction of an on-campus basketball practice facility to alleviate the usage pressures from 6 a.m. to midnight daily at the Klotsche Center. Next, he talks about how the athletic department is following up on a previous study to locate an arena with a larger seating capacity on the footprint of the current Klotsche Center.
89.7 fm WUWM
02-06-2013, 11:51 PM
Interesting, but an new arena on campus is still a pipe dream. Too many people collecting paychecks from uwm need to remove their heads from their asses to even get the practice facility built!
Jimmy Lemke
02-07-2013, 10:16 AM
Here is our own Tony Paulis:
My comment to Chancellor Lovell’s website – Jan 24 – saw Lovell was about to give Plenary Speech
What is being done in regards to the new basketball arena ? The move back to the Klotsche has been a complete disaster. Alumnus, students and fans need to know the upcoming plans for 2013 and beyond. 10 fans a game and dropping attendance have been seen . ( 10 fans in reference to student attendance did nt include parentheses wording in comments to Chancellor ) There is no marketing to students on campus in Dorms, Education Buildings, The Union, or basically anywhere on campus….I have done a 153 page report with student surveys and use of based off an Indiana student attendance survey.
From reply dated Jan 30 from Brad Stratton back to me
Dear Mr. Paulis,
Thank you for your inquiry to UWM Chancellor Micheal Lovell about a new UWM basketball arena.I work with the chancellor and review messages sent to him via his website.
I'm sure you enjoyed the strong showing of student support for the men's basketball team on Friday,when more than 1000 students attended our game vs. UW-Green Bay. Too bad the game results weren't as good as the student turnout - much of it resulting from targeted marketing to students via campus communications.
"As for the future basketball arena , you might be interested in the chancellors comments on that topic during his upcoming February show on radio station WUWM, 89.7 FM.( iIt will be played at 1:30 pm Feb 7 , and 7:30 pm Feb 10 , and archived on the WUWM website thereafter).
Referencing the basketball teams, he talks about the initial focus on construction of an on-campus basketball practice facility to alleviate the usage pressures from 6 a.m. to midnight daily at the Klotsche Center. Next, he talks about how the athletic department is following up on a previous study to locate an arena with a larger seating capacity on the footprint of the current Klotsche Center.
Both of these projects will require private fundraising, and the chancellor talks about that challenge, too.
Thank you,again ,for contacting Chancellor Lovell.
Brad Stratton
Senior Editor
University Relations and Communications
University of Wisconsin –Milwaukee
(414) 229-4027
Feb 2 reply back to letter via email from myself to Mr. Stratton
Dear Mr. Stratton,
I did get your letter in the mail regarding my comments about the arena situation.
Yes it was nice to have 1000 students for the Green Bay game.
That is to be expected for an in state rivalry game
What about the games against Cleveland State, Youngstown State, Valpo,Northern Illinois, Buffalo.
At the Cleveland State game, I counted 17 students total in the student section. Slightly higher averages for Valpo, and Youngstown State. And a super low turnout for Buffalo and Northern Illinois. Way below what is expected , especially for a university with 30,000 students.
The Klotsche is and should not be considered a permanent solution.
We either need a new facility on campus, or we need to acquire The Cell from the State of Wisconsin to reduce overall cost and to make it our own, simple as that.
This situation needs to be addressed to our alumnus, fans, and students.
I also feel that serious issues in marketing, especially towards students and the way dollars are spent for marketing, as well as problems within communication, no fresh ideas are going on that aspect.
Besides a popular game such as Green Bay, what is done to get these students to go to games?
I hate to say it, but free pizza and t-shirts does not cut it. Students are expected to show for games such as Wisconsin, Butler, Davidson, Green Bay, Marquette or a conference tourney game, where has the attendance been besides that?
There is no activation or direct marketing done to students, or in general. No true relationships established.
I have never seen any marketing done in the Union, Dorms, or Educational buildings on campus.
Throwing up a sign and just saying, hey, come to a game, is not marketing.
In order to reach the students, you must market to them directly.
I have attached my April 2012 research report, please feel free to read it, and give it to Chancellor Lovell and to Athletic Director Andy Geiger.
This was done just prior to announcing the move back to the Klotsche in April 2012
I have even included scientific research in this report, and a 100 student survey, which lists reasons why they attend or do not attend games. I have included innovative ideas from other athletic departments, as well as giving a realistic look from a perspective at some ideas which can be done, at little or no cost to the university.
Overall, as a fan, and alumnus of the University, improvements need to be made in our arena situation and direct marketing to students. There is too much red tape between the union and dorms and educational buildings in regards to allowing the athletic department to be able to market itself to students on campus. I also find it sad we have no true team store website. You can say, oh we have the bookstore, but if you look at many other universities, including in the Horizon, they have that on their athletic website where merchandise can be purchased. You can't even buy a basketball jersey for this years team at the bookstore, as I went to the bookstore to ask.
Also we are about to be on our 5th athletic director since Bud Haidet retired. Milwaukee since the departure of Bud Haidet, seems to have had similar issues. Since his retirement in 2009, 4 athletic directors have been hired, and soon a fifth will be hired. During that time frame since his retirement to now, passive management of the athletic department allows inept management, which permits uninspired development in an athletic program, in regards to financials, infrastructure improvements, business development, and marketing strategies. This leaves us with a huge disadvantage, which hurts the University at its core.
If Chancellor Lovell would like to discuss these issues with me, I have no problem discussing these issues, or any other basketball related issues in my report, an updated report will be finished after this basketball season. I could go on and on about these issues. I want to see the athletic department and the basketball program succeed.
Anthony Paulis
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Alumnus 2010
MS-Professional Accounting
BBA - Accounting and Marketing
02-07-2013, 03:24 PM
It seem to me Lovell avoided the first part about how most don't like the KC. At the end he said we want to build a practice building off of the KC towards the East to Downer Ave. Baseball/track and it sounds the new arena would be "Loyola style" type job. Would cost alot less to go that way. Happy to be in the Horizon League and as long as we have a plan we can play in the KC.
Jimmy Lemke
02-08-2013, 02:06 PM
A Loyola-style renovation with a practice facility would at least show recruits that we care. Buying and renovating the Cell to be "our house" would set us up for growth.
02-08-2013, 02:39 PM
Going by in what Lovell said, he wants fans to come to campus and the students to stay on campus for games.
What would cost less Loyola-style renovation or buying and renovating the Cell. Is it even a thought by Lovell to buy the Cell?
02-11-2013, 12:47 AM
I still don't get why a practice facility has to be built before we get a new arena... couldn't they just practice at the new arena?
02-11-2013, 09:44 AM
I still don't get why a practice facility has to be built before we get a new arena... couldn't they just practice at the new arena? Great question, maybe someone could find an answer on that.
Jimmy Lemke
02-12-2013, 02:38 AM
I still don't get why a practice facility has to be built before we get a new arena... couldn't they just practice at the new arena?
New arena: $50 million +
New practice facility: $10 million
Not to mention the most expensive basketball practice facility in the country was $30 million. I'd rather we put a ton of eggs in that basket and see how cheap we can get the Cell with state legislators backing our play.
02-12-2013, 01:06 PM
I get your point, but it sounds like Lovell is set on athletics being a draw to keep students on campus. If we're going to work to get the legislature behind us for anything, why not have it be getting rid of Downer Woods, which would in all likelihood lead to an actual athletic village?
Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the University take over the Cell... it gives our basketball team a historic basketball venue to play in and it opens the door for us to add a desperately-needed second revenue sport (hockey), but getting rid of Downer Woods seems like the better long-term option. I love green space on urban landscapes as much as anyone, but Downer Woods is full of rotting trees and attracts invasive species... it hurts the environment as much as it helps it.
02-12-2013, 02:43 PM
New arena: $50 million +
New practice facility: $10 million
Not to mention the most expensive basketball practice facility in the country was $30 million. I'd rather we put a ton of eggs in that basket and see how cheap we can get the Cell with state legislators backing our play.
Time to create a new overall athletics facility.
Think of the Al Center at MU but bigger and nicer for basketball. Create seating capacity of about 7,000. The facility would serve as both a game and practice facility (at MU there is another gym below the court that is visible from Wells Street).
As part of the overall athletics building, include facilities for baseball with a new baseball field on the site. The back side of the basketball facility could open up into the baseball facility. Shared restroom facilities and a common concession area used by both the basketball / volleyball and baseball teams. Same overall entrance into an atrium that serves as the entrance for both basketball and baseball. Building houses all athletic offices, etc.
Need to show a committment to athletics and to something that would be of pride to Milwaukee students and alum. A top notch facility would be a great start. If Milwaukee had something like this already in the works, a conference upgrade would surely be possible.
Problem with the Cell - what if the maintenance costs run $500,00 to $1 million in a given year on the place? If UW-Milwaukee owns the Cell there could be a big financial risk due to the upkeep of an aging facility.
02-12-2013, 02:50 PM
New arena: $50 million +
New practice facility: $10 million
Not to mention the most expensive basketball practice facility in the country was $30 million. I'd rather we put a ton of eggs in that basket and see how cheap we can get the Cell with state legislators backing our play. Why build a practice facillty if the school would do Loyola-style arena. Could the men's & women's teams practice and play the home games at the new Loyola-style arena?
Goose85- The Al Center is great, but that building didn't get enough money to be build untill the Final Four run in 2003.
02-12-2013, 10:12 PM
Problem with the Cell - what if the maintenance costs run $500,00 to $1 million in a given year on the place? If UW-Milwaukee owns the Cell there could be a big financial risk due to the upkeep of an aging facility.
Someone here (Jimmy?) probably knows more than me, but the Cell has been maintained very well considering its age and had major renovations not that long ago. If there's any reason for not acquiring the Cell, that's not it.
Jimmy Lemke
02-14-2013, 03:47 AM
Any facility is going to have upkeep costs, no matter if it's the Kress in GB and 5 years old or Hinkle at BU and 90. There are upkeep costs with the Klotsche Center; like any building, it has plumbing, electric, lighting, heating, air conditioning, and more to keep it running.
What the Cell does to offset those costs, if we were to own it, would be that it allows us to bring in more than just basketball. There is no venue of its size in Milwaukee; the Bradley Center is 8,000 more, and everything else is 4,000 or less. That 11,000 seating capacity allows the university to pursue a lot of different promotions that are too big to always play the small venues and too small to easily fill the BMOBC. One of our (now former) donors promoted a Ludacris concert in Madison a few years ago at the Coliseum in Madison; had we done it over, we'd have loved to put it on at the Cell.
I know that facilities can help boost department funds considerably. Discussions with people around the UNI program tell me that they see basketball as somewhat of a hindrance because it limits the dates that they can pursue musical acts.
Think of all the stuff we could fit in there. MMA events, lesser wrestling promotions like TNA...musicians from all genres. If UWM were to own the Cell, it could promote the Cell year-round, just funneling tons of cash into the athletic department (which is where the profits would go).
I've talked directly with several state legislators about changing ownership of the Cell to the university. They say that the main obstacle is the taxing authority that the WCD now holds would be in jeopardy if they lost the Cell. If there could be some way we could negotiate the lowering of the tax that the WCD collects (tourism tax, on hotels/travel etc.) to make sure they still have money to run the convention center and the theater, I don't see how any party doesn't pull the trigger - remember, the WCD is non-profit.
- Scott Walker and the GOP get to trumpet how they lowered the tourism tax to encourage more visitors to Milwaukee.
- The Democrats get to help higher education at UWM extricate itself from a debt.
- The WCD still has the money to run the facilities it "owns," while taking a big load off their shoulders.
- The university gets a home for its basketball program, graduation and a place where it can make serious cash to pay down its athletic debt.
- The community gets real competition between the BMOBC and the Cell for acts, bringing more entertainment to the city.
Really, is there anyone who would disapprove? Frank Gimbel, for sure, but that old codger was probably old enough to be a foreman when they built the darn place.
02-14-2013, 04:33 AM
Can we please push for this. Like push hard for this. Like everyone email everybody they know in the athletic department, donors, congressmen, your moms friends cousin who knows somebody, all the AD canidates, bigfoot. It seems insane to me that this isnt the number one goal. I mean i think about all of the ways that UWM could profit from being able to rent out a space of that magnitude and can't beleive that this isn't priority. A space that could help offset huge amounts of debt if handled correctly seems like a no-brainer for UWM Athletics/UWM in general. Are us fans the only ones that see this?!
02-14-2013, 12:00 PM
One of the problems the Cell has now is that incoming acts bid the Cell against the Bradley Center to get the lowest price. If the Cell was the cash cow it is being portrayed here, then why would the WCD ever want to allow it to leave their control?
What price would UW-Milwaukee be willing to pay? Who would own land rights, would the city of Milwaukee own it with some type of lease agreement, or would UW-Milwaukee own the land?
Would owning the Cell get any more fans to come to games?
02-15-2013, 02:31 AM
Having a space like the cell to rent out is a big deal for colleges. Look at NIU and UIC and all of the concerts they do during the year. I mean even if fans arent alsways there if we own the cell we are still earning revenue from things other than sports that we dont even have the opportunity for with our current situation.
Jimmy Lemke
02-15-2013, 12:33 PM
One of the problems the Cell has now is that incoming acts bid the Cell against the Bradley Center to get the lowest price. If the Cell was the cash cow it is being portrayed here, then why would the WCD ever want to allow it to leave their control?
It wouldn't be up to them. It would be a bipartisan state congress measure. The WCD isn't in major debt. UWM Athletics is. Need to make the latter, with hundreds of student-athletes and 50~ employees, viable for the future. WCD exists only to run the Convention Center and Theater; both will be used tons. The Cell not being used nearly enough; perhaps MKE Athletics can do better. We can low-ball the hell out of the BMOBC. I didn't say the
What price would UW-Milwaukee be willing to pay? Who would own land rights, would the city of Milwaukee own it with some type of lease agreement, or would UW-Milwaukee own the land?
The State of Wisconsin owns the land and will remain so. The WCD doesn't pay its daddy rent and neither would we. Personally, I don't think we should pay a dollar. The WCD, as a non-profit state entity has taxing authority. They don't need to be compensated money. Why would we essentially have the State of Wisconsin pay the State of Wisconsin money? I've got $1 if they need it.
Would owning the Cell get any more fans to come to games?
We averaged more than 4,000 per game the last two seasons, more than the Klotsche Center holds. So yes, I'd say so. That's not all:
- Recruits would be able to see a renovated Cell (or even just owning it) as commitment of the university to athletics.
- Money from the $25 student arena fee would go to buying and renovating the Cell.
- Bigger teams would be willing to come to the Cell than Klotsche. Wisconsin, Marquette not going to give a 2-for-1 to play at Klotsche. Wisconsin has said they'll play in the KC but no way it'll be an equitable contract. Marquette's been open to a 2-for-1 in the past, but I've heard they don't even want to go to the KC.
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