View Full Version : Buzz's two-step, etc
02-25-2012, 09:04 AM
Loved it, especially the reaction of the WVU students. That said, the drawback is that it was the focus of the reporting and not the win with suspended players. WVU students Are probably just upset b/c they are WVU students and that ND students mocked them this week by singing Country Roads. Maybe we can get ND students to sing it while Buzz dances?
Also, anyone else getting sick of the stories focusing on the loss by the other team, not the MU win? Last week it was UConn losing a game they needed. This week it's WVU losing a bubble game instead of MU winning.
Will be in NYC for the BET and would love to see WVU exit on Tuesday. Awful fans. Last year in NYC, we had a bunch of WVU fans who were the most obnoxious jackholes ever behind us during our game against WVU. They were complete jagoffs while WVU led but ran as soon as we took control in the last two minutes. Mrs. Gato (iirc) with the line of the tournament with "alcohol and inbreeding make a bad combination"
02-25-2012, 09:36 AM
I agree, I pointed out in the other thread that this game was a lose/lose in a way for MU... So will Cincy unfortunately. That being said, I thought Buzz' dance looked good, I'm no two step professional, but the man looked like he can move.
Also it makes me sad to see everyone get on Buzz, I think he brings a little energy, excitement, and something a little different to the game, he is a personality, and with everyone critiquing him and other personalities it takes the fun out of it... I was laughing my butt off... As was my girlfriend who is from South Africa and doesn't know a darn thing about Buzz or the game...she just watches to keep me happy, but she even said, "wow, I love Buzz! He is a little different, but it's really hard not to like him, he has genuine passion"
Father Dan's Camera
02-25-2012, 10:49 AM
Let them keep talking about everyone else, MU will continue to play hard and win. Buzz's dance was funny, no obscene gestures and relatively short. Remember there are many pleather wearing Loiusville fans that will go to their graves saying Mike Deane was flipping them off.
The Deadspin write up is classic, "Buzz flirting with death because Morgantown is a place where they still murder people with bows and arrows" (
02-25-2012, 11:33 AM
When MU beats the rodents in Madison in 2 years, Buzz should "Jump Around". Just sayin...
Father Dan's Camera
02-25-2012, 01:26 PM
That is after he pays the rodent royalty fees. They are the only ones allowed to do it right?
02-25-2012, 01:53 PM
NAtionally, there is a backlash about one thinks bad of him for his two step. Only people upset are a bunch of goofs from West Virginia and a bunch of self righteous MU fans (and Badger fans, of course). Reading the various posts around the internet, it also seems WVU fans are pretty well disliked by all.
02-25-2012, 02:12 PM
NAtionally, there is a backlash about one thinks bad of him for his two step. Only people upset are a bunch of goofs from West Virginia and a bunch of self righteous MU fans (and Badger fans, of course). Reading the various posts around the internet, it also seems WVU fans are pretty well disliked by all.
I love Buzz. However, I do think it reflected bad on MU. Especially in light of the fact that he disciplined some players for "undisclosed" team rules. I don't know what the team rules are, but do they apply to Buzz? Nothing wrong with being emotional, but he has to be a little more respectful about it. This is becoming somewhat of a trend. Going back to some of the instantaneous post game issues in the past, such as blowing up at Jimmy Mac a few years back.
02-25-2012, 02:42 PM
I love Buzz. However, I do think it reflected bad on MU. Especially in light of the fact that he disciplined some players for "undisclosed" team rules. I don't know what the team rules are, but do they apply to Buzz? Nothing wrong with being emotional, but he has to be a little more respectful about it. This is becoming somewhat of a trend. Going back to some of the instantaneous post game issues in the past, such as blowing up at Jimmy Mac a few years back.
Seriously? Guess my take is 100% opposite of yours. Difficult game under strange circumstances. He danced for 10 seconds. So what? Really, calling it disrespectful? He was having fun. He wasn't taunting. He wasn't doing anything degrading.
And a trend? WOW, really a hardline take. This is similar to the Jimmy Mac interview in your viewpoint? Really?
I loved it. Just got done with an embrace with Jae. Pumped. Hears a song he likes and does a little two step. Nothing more than that. I can understand a WV fan being upset. Really don't get your take or that of any other MU fan being critical. Really don't understand that point of view.
02-25-2012, 02:58 PM
Seriously? Guess my take is 100% opposite of yours. Difficult game under strange circumstances. He danced for 10 seconds. So what? Really, calling it disrespectful? He was having fun. He wasn't taunting. He wasn't doing anything degrading.
And a trend? WOW, really a hardline take. This is similar to the Jimmy Mac interview in your viewpoint? Really?
I loved it. Just got done with an embrace with Jae. Pumped. Hears a song he likes and does a little two step. Nothing more than that. I can understand a WV fan being upset. Really don't get your take or that of any other MU fan being critical. Really don't understand that point of view.
Not saying they are similar, just saying that Buzz is very emotional after wins. Maybe needs to take a deep breath and think about political correctness for 30 seconds before doing anything after a game. If another coach did that on our floor you would be upset, and we would have a huge thread about it.
02-25-2012, 08:07 PM
I said in my post that I can understand a WVU fan being upset. Transative properties, I could understand a MU fan being upset if the opposing coach did that at MU (although Dick Vitale did in '77 without a word said). Afterall, fans tend to be emotional, no? More emotional than coaches. That doesn't mean the fans are correct. In the end, I don't think it is a big deal. Buzz wears his emotions on his sleeve. I like that. I could care less if Buzz said something to the UCONN fans last week or that Buzz danced to a song he liked yesterday. Political correctness? Really?
Be incensed if you like. I think you are dramatically overreacting.
I don't think it was an intentional dissing as the WVU fans suggest. Buzz was done congratulating his team, was headed over to do an interview, heard a song he loved, he was ecstatic and started to dance. It was a two step, it wasn't like he was break dancing and mooning the opposing fan base. I think he did it for Raftery more than anything. The only people who threw a fit were the first few rows of West Virginia students, to who I ask, why were they still there? Game over - leave, but no, they stated in their seats in attack mode. Why, because he danced? Or because the song says, "West Virginia, Mountain Momma, take me home", so they feel it is their song and no one else is allowed to like it?
When I was in college we played a game against a Terry Bowden led team down in Alabama. We were pretty pumped to be there. During pregame warmups, they pumped in "Sweet Home Alabama". The opposition went crazy, as did we, because we were so excited to be down there. They went off because they were pissed that we liked it. Why, was it "their song"? I think the WVU students over reacted.
Buzz danced a two-step, not in front of the team bench, but after the majority were gone as he walked across the court. Anyone that thinks that is bad, should be crucifying Al McGuire for jumping up on the scorers' table and saluting a full crowd, shouldn't they?
02-25-2012, 09:19 PM
I said in my post that I can understand a WVU fan being upset. Transative properties, I could understand a MU fan being upset if the opposing coach did that at MU (although Dick Vitale did in '77 without a word said). Afterall, fans tend to be emotional, no? More emotional than coaches. That doesn't mean the fans are correct. In the end, I don't think it is a big deal. Buzz wears his emotions on his sleeve. I like that. I could care less if Buzz said something to the UCONN fans last week or that Buzz danced to a song he liked yesterday. Political correctness? Really?
Be incensed if you like. I think you are dramatically overreacting.
I'm not incensed. I just understand why opposing fans would be upset. We would be too if Rick Pitino or someone decided to do that at the Bradley Center.
02-26-2012, 10:11 AM
If he wasn't waiting to be interviewed by ESPN he would have been in the locker room at the time. It's not like he was trying to stick it to WVU (who after the crap they pulled getting out of the conference deserved it), he was just happy after the win and waiting for the call to sit down with the broadcast team.
The country hated Al back in the day because he was, well, Al. Other boards have mixed reactions. Bottom line if WVU doesn't like it they should win the next one - oh yeah, they had to borrow money from their new conference to play in the Big 12 next season. Enjoy the NIT WVU.
02-26-2012, 03:08 PM
Being colorful is what people remember most about Al; Bo has his Dougie, Buzz has his stories and mannerisms. If you want a boring coach, great. TC didn't really do anything memorable, other than pace the sidelines. Buzz' dancing (nothing beats "walk it out" during Louisville 2 years ago) is the stuff we'll remember fondly after he goes (hopefully 25 years from now).
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